A soft rusty orange melts into delicate black stripes. Comes with two little figures on both ends: Tie up with a knot and make them become friends. Or lovers. Handmade in Mexico.
Our brand is out of Venice, Los Angeles. And we do love the sunshine here, the freedom that comes with it and this incredible light.
Yet, behind the veneer of that gorgeous California sunset, we also see and experience the shadow side of LA. Every day a bit more: So many people are left behind. They live close, but no roof above their heads. No shelter, no hope, no future. A lot of homeless in LA are homeless in the communities they used to live in. It’s for sure the biggest humanitarian and moral crisis, this City of Angels faces.
We cannot change the system; or the world. We can only try to be a bit of a Band Aid. We designed our new BANDAIDS of LA to give especially homeless youth immediate and lasting solutions: 50 percent of our profit on all sold bands go to @safeplaceforyouth
Each Band aids. Help us tie that knot.